
For a long time, writing CSS was straightforward enough: add a .css extension to your file, open up a text editor, and start typing.

But over the years, CSS has developed its own ecosystem of technologies, from preprocessors like Sass and Less to methodologies like BEM and Atomic CSS, to more recent developments like CSS-in-JS.

These days, front-end mastery involves not only knowing how to write good CSS, but also which of these technologies to use, and when.

Overview of opinions on the tools and methodologies surveyed. Green segments represent positive opinions, while pink segments correspond to negative sentiment.

The diameter of each circle corresponds to the aggregate sum of respondents for all of these four options (excluding respondents unaware of the technology).

Hover on each node to view detailed data along with an overlay representing the total number of survey respondents.

I've USED it before, and WOULD use it again
I've HEARD of it, and WOULD like to learn it
I've HEARD of it, and am NOT interested
I've USED it before, and would NOT use it again

This chart shows each technology’s satisfaction ratio over its total user count. It can be divided into four quadrants:

  • ASSESS: Low usage, high satisfaction. Technologies worth keeping an eye on.
  • ADOPT: High usage, high satisfaction. Safe technologies to adopt.
  • AVOID: Low usage, low satisfaction. Technologies probably best avoided currently.
  • ANALYZE: High usage, low satisfaction. Reassess these technologies if you're currently using them.