Units & Selectors

One of the reasons CSS is so tough to master is that even apparently small decisions can sometimes have big consequences. Should you size your fonts in ems or pixels? Which selector should you use? Is there a way to avoid having to use JavaScript to accomplish what you want?

Having a good grasp of units and selectors makes all these decisions, if not simple, at least a little easier.


Completion Percentage: 99.55% (11266)
Completion Percentage: 99.55% (11266)

Which CSS units do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Usersexinmmchcmvmin, vmaxptremvh, vwem%px6.2%7.8%8.3%8.7%38.9%41.1%85.7%90.4%92.5%96.5%99.1%


Completion Percentage: 98.56% (11154)
Completion Percentage: 98.56% (11154)

Which pseudo CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Users::first-line::first-lette…::selection::placeholder::after::before28.4%39.8%43.5%66.4%97.7%97.7%


Completion Percentage: 98.42% (11138)
Completion Percentage: 98.42% (11138)

Which combinations of CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Usersdiv ~ div (su…div + div (ne…div > span (c…div span (des…61.5%78.8%95.3%96%

Tree & Document Structure

Completion Percentage: 98.31% (11126)
Completion Percentage: 98.31% (11126)

Which structure related CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Users:lang():only-of-type:only-child:empty:nth-last-of-…:root:last-of-type:first-of-typ…:nth-last-chi…:nth-of-type(…:not():last-child:nth-child():first-child7.4%14.3%26.4%41%43.8%45.6%53.6%57.7%68.8%69.7%80.1%91.5%94%94.6%


Completion Percentage: 91.54% (10360)
Completion Percentage: 91.54% (10360)

Which attributes CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Usersdiv[foo$="bar…div[foo~="bar…div[foo*="bar…div[foo^="bar…div[foo] (Pre…div[foo="bar"…35%39.7%47.1%55.2%77%83.9%


Completion Percentage: 99.34% (11242)
Completion Percentage: 99.34% (11242)

Which interaction CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Users:focus-visibl…:focus-within:active:focus:hover10.8%16.7%95.3%96.2%99.2%

Form Controls

Completion Percentage: 90.45% (10236)
Completion Percentage: 90.45% (10236)

Which form related CSS selectors do developers use?

0%20%40%60%80%100%0%20%40%60%80%100%Percentage of Users:user-invalid:in-range and…:indeterminat…:placeholder-…:read-only an…:default:valid and :i…:required and…:enabled and …:checked6%14.5%18.7%20.4%34.7%37.5%62.8%82.5%

The Complete Design to Code Learning Path

Take a deep-dive into the essential features of CSS, while also exploring CSS features you probably didn’t even know existed!
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